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The Risqu'e Portal
Openings are Tuesday and Thursdays
9 pm Eastern Standard Time (US) – ( New York time)
Note 1 : Arrival
Dancers arrive and assemble 30 minutes before opening
in costume to sync up before doors open
Note 2 : Dancers practice -
Rehersals - new dancers introduction - dancers meeting, will be held weekly
on a monday 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (US) - (New York time)
Colour key - Morgi to open - Veronica to open -
*this schedule is published quarterly
2nd Arabia
7th Pharaoh's
9th Legends
14th Babylon
16th Steampunk'd
21st Judgment Day
23rd Fusion
28th Amazon
30th Delta Queen
31st Staff Party
4th Transylvania
6th Casablanca
121h Bikini Reef
13th Aquarius
18th Miami
20th Carousel
25th Shogun
27th New Room
28th Staff Party
MARCH 2025
4th Battleship Rock
6th Jedi Nights
11th Velocity
13th Bootleg
18th Deja Vu
20th Starfleet
25th Pirate's Tide
27th Atlantis
28th Party
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