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Risqu'e Rules and Guidelines


Rules for all members


1. NO drama! Drama of any kind, to any degree will NOT be tolerated and will be dealt with appropriately. This includes engaging in arguments in Risqu’e public channels such as local and group chats or shared Discord channels.

2. If a Risqu'e member has any issues with another member and cannot resolve the issue privately, they are encouraged to inform Risqu'e management and/or department manager/ team captain. We are adults so let’s handle these situations intelligently and maturely.

3. No member shall forego their role at Risqu’e to perform at another club during one of our scheduled opens.

4. For your protection and the protection of the club, all Risqu'e members are required to abide by the 3DX  Terms of  Service.

5. Dance team group chat during an open is limited to the dance team and security members. This is to limit the sheer number of people in the chat to make it feasible for the dance team to properly communicate their choreography.

6.IGGYING between Risqu’e members While it would be an undesirable practice to see any two members of Risqu’e adopt this measure, and because it is something that could severely hinder the smooth operation of a club opening, and the maintenance of departmental interplay the following directive is to be followed. ‘No member of Risqu'e shall place any other member of Risqu'e they would normally interact   with  on the ‘ignore’ setting during Club openings and practice sessions’




Guidelines for all members


We ask that you please be respectful to other Risqu’e members. We strive to keep this a family positive and drama free environment.

We encourage you to refrain from discussions pertaining to politics, religion and other volatile or strongly opinion based topics as this can quickly lead to drama. There are plenty of forums for these types of topics outside of Risqu’e. We are here to have fun not debate.


We understand that situations arise that may lead to your departure from Risqu'e. Should you accept a position within the Risqu'e family, you would be expected to show courtesy and grace by addressing the team with a farewell of some sort before leaving. No details of personal matters need be explained but simply disappearing without notice is frowned upon.


Rumors... specifically those that pertain to Risqu'e or its members is right in line with causing drama. Which we have rules against. It’s a given that rumors arise. If you come across something that doesn't sound right and you think it could potentially impact our family, please do not send it on down the path of the rumor mill. It can have unforeseen consequences, start speculation, feelings get hurt, friendships impacted, it goes on and on. Please just bring it to Veronica, Morgani or your department lead. Unless you know something to be an absolute truth, handle with caution. Rushing to judgment is never a good idea and neither is passing speculative hearsay. We have no desire to become the lost and found of every piece of dirt or misplaced skeleton. We're talking about things that can impact us... the Risqu'e family.

Please think  twice  before  engaging in   romantid   entanglements  with other members  of  RISQUE

We all work very hard to create and maintain a fun and wonderful environment to be a part of. When relationships don’t work out this can ruin the ability to enjoy this environment for you, the other person involved or both.....THIS IS OUR  SINGLR GREATEST REASON FOR LOSING OUR PEOPLE - Please  seek  intimate 'companionship' OUTSIDE of Risqu'e



The temporary removal of a staff member due to unexpected AFK.

At times it may be necessary to remove a staff member from the room during a show due to them being AFK and unresponsive. This is an action that is only taken when other alternatives are not available or reasonably managed by alternate means.
This applies to all staff regardless of department or position. 
Occasionally for various reasons someone will go AFK without notice and be unresponsive. This can be due to many factors such as Internet disruption, emergency, fell asleep or some other unforeseen circumstance. The purpose of this procedure is not related to any disciplinary action. The “What happened” of things will be figured out later. This is only to restore continuity to the performance if a disruption is caused by an AFK staff member. 
Depending on what state someone’s avatar is in when they become AFK can have negative impacts to our performance either visually or restrict access to certain areas. These are situations that would cause it to be necessary to remove someone from the room temporarily by use of the “Ignore function” and then immediately remove them from the Ignore List after the mandatory one hour has past.
Any available alternatives will be considered prior to removing someone as a last resort. If someone is in a walking state, it may be possible for others to move out of the way and let the AFK person walk to a location that eliminates the disruption. If access is blocked it may be possible to “port” as a “temporary” work-around. Each case will be handled independently depending upon the situation.
The timing of removing someone may vary based on what is known about the situation or what work-around might be available to buy time. A reasonable amount of time to simply wait for someone to become responsive with no other alternative available to remove the disruption will be 15 minutes.
All decisions to employ this procedure will be made between Veronica, Morgani and the department lead of the AFK staff member.



You will begin with a trial period. This trial may last up to a couple weeks. We want to make sure you are having a positive experience and are confident that you are suitable for whatever Risqu'e position you have been placed in.

If you have been placed on the dance team as a Rockette, you MUST attend and participate in at least one (1) practice session before you will be allowed to perform at an event. This is not negotiable. Make sure you are present at most of our events during your trial period so that we can be sure you are serious and reliable.


Dance Team Rules


You must meet a monthly quota of three (3) dances per month. To receive credit for dancing you must dance for at least one hour. If all the spots are taken you must be dressed and in the room ready to take someone’s spot. If no spots become open after an hour you will be given credit for that night and u may leave if you wish.

If the stage is full and you would like to give your spot up to someone voluntarily, you may do so and still receive credit towards your quota. You may only do this once per month. If you would like to surrender your spot again after you have done so once, you may do so without receiving credit. If for some reason you think you will be unable to meet your quota, message a captain and they will work with you to ensure you are excused or grant you a temporary leave of absence. We understand real life gets in the way sometimes. **Practice sessions do not count towards your quota, shows only!


Risque's Rockettes are an  exclusive  dance troupe, a huge amount of  time  and effort  goes into training  and administering the team, therefore serving Rockettes  are not  permitted to  dance  for any other dance team in 3DX under  any  circumstances.


Dance Team Guidelines

Please do not try to "run the show". Trust your dance captain to make the decisions that she deems appropriate and respect those decisions. Suggestions are always welcome and actually encouraged, but keep in mind that they may be rejected and try not to take it personally.


When you see dancers responding to a "roll/ready call" in group chat, please refrain from typing until after the countdown has concluded; this way, the count will not be interrupted and cause confusion.


If at any time while you are on the dance platform and need to go AFK for any reason, please tell your dance partner in PM and if you do not have a partner then tell one of your dance captains in PM.


We cannot stress this enough. Please try your absolute best to keep up with group chat to avoid missing any instructions. We understand that you may have PM's as well as conversations going on in local chat but missed instructions impact the entire team and the flow of the performance. Break periods will be announced by the team captain.


Don’t burn yourself out. Dancing two to three times per week plus practice week in and week out can become tiresome. Take a night off when needed. You are only required to perform three nights per month. More than that is fine and even encouraged but pace yourself. We would like you to be a long-term member.


Dance practice is held every Monday at 9pm EST and lasts approximately one (1) hour. It is not a requirement that you attend practice every single week but we expect a minimum attendance of once a month although we encourage you to attend as much as possible so you can maintain your awesome dancing talent and skills. You also want to keep up with new dance methods and techniques. We are constantly evolving. This is also the time when any potential new recruits will be introduced to the crew.


Club openings are every Tuesday, Thursday and every other Wednesday at 9pm EST. Preshow warm-ups begin at 8:30. Show times can be found here at the Risqu’e Portal under Dates and Events.


Showing up on time is preferred when possible. We all have real life interruptions. Pre-show practice will open 30 minutes prior to club opening. We use this time to get a dancer head count for the nights show, pair you with your partner and warm-up.


After you are assigned your dance partner, the two of you will decide who will pose and who will break. These assignments may be swapped at you and your partner's convenience. ONLY breakers say "r" when they are ready for the countdown to start. Do not say "r" if you are a poser. This will cause confusion for everyone. You are also responsible for making sure your partner is doing the appropriate dance number BEFORE you send/accept a pose request.


For each Risqu'e club we have a dedicated outfit, each outfit is specific in detail. Each outfit is presented here on the portal site with explicit instructions on colors, graphics, clothing pieces and accessories. There is no reason your outfit should need adjustment at the time of opening. We highly encourage all dancers to SAVE each outfit to their computer. This way you can load the correct outfit every time and not have to worry about piecing it together before each show.


7.Dance Team - STAGE BEHAVIOUR / CONFLICT: If a dancer has an issue with another dancer, confine the issue to a PM or better still, settle this issue after close. If the issue cannot be resolved privately then bring it to your Dance Captain. Taking personal issues into Dance Group Chat is not acceptable and will be seen as creating drama ( see Rule 1)

STAGE BEHAVIOUR : LEAVING Abandoning the stage during a performance over issues or conflicts with anyone will not be tolerated. It shows great disrespect for the captain and the other dancers. It also exhibits little self control and will often have a negative impact on the stage choreography.


Risqué’ Security Rules
1.    Be on time ready to work, and in uniform. If you are unable to attend, please notify captain as soon as possible. 

2.    Adhere to schedule present for rotating positions. If you wish to change your time, please do so and notify the Captain right away of the change.

3.    If you are brb please let everyone know this. If you are at port it is important so staff can get past you. 

4.    Physical touching ( cuddling,  etc. )  must not  occur   while you are on  duty. You have to 'look' like  Security and be approachable by our  patrons if they have an issue.
Dancing is not  allowed - the moment you start  dancing you stop looking like  Security.
If you are on  port duty  please refrain  from bodily  contact with  anyone, that post requires  being on your toes at all times.
If you are distracted,  a port  jumper  will use it to get  past  you.

5.    Please be respectful of  other staff and guest. If you have to warn someone be respectful. If the guest ignores you then forward on to captain so they can talk with V or M. 

6.    This is a sex game , people have sex in the room but we do not allow sex at the entrance or dancefloor and people maybe naked and that's fine, and finally Risqué is not a pick Up Bar for employees.

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